___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ------ October 1 / / / /| / / /_ /__/ / /__ ------ 1995 /__ /__/ / |/ /__ /__ / / ___/ ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This newsletter / info-pack is generated by Tower Concepts, Inc., and is provided to our users and specific members of the net community. Concepts is generated and distributed every few weeks as necessary. If you do not want to remain on this distribution list, please send a note to 'concepts@tower.com'. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The new manual is available --------------------------- Now that the hoop-la-do and brew-ha-ha over "Windows 95" has come and gone, we are ready to announce the availability of the new Razor Users Manual. It took a bit longer than we expected(!), but we believe that the end result was worth it. Manual 95! A contest & some prizes ----------------------- A draft copy of the full manual been generated as a series of postscript files which you are free to download, print, and review. In order to encourage and reward the people willing to proofread the manual, we've arranged a little contest. Hidden within the text are the names of Muppet characters. From now until October 21, we'd like people to give us feedback on the manual. For the first 50 people who respond telling us where all the muppets are, we'll reward them with either... ... a nice baseball cap, with Razor & Tower Concepts embroidered on it ... or a really cool, full size frisbee. You can choose the prize, while quantities last (we've only got 30 hats left). We'll cover the postage, but it must be shipped to your business address (which we'll expect you to provide). Of course, we're also hoping to get your impressions on the following points as well... ... (From what you can tell) were all the necessary points covered? ... Is the manual well organized and easy to follow? ... Was the overall tone too technical, too casual, or just right? ... Are there other terms we should add to the Glossary? ... Can you think of other Q's for the Q&A section (Appendix E)? ... And of course, how about spelling, punctuation, and grammar? How to get a copy ----------------- You can pull down everything via our ftp site, at ftp.tower.com. The following notes should help... # ftp ftp.tower.com <== # login: ftp # password: # cd /pub/tower # dir <== Just to see where you are # cd New_manual # bin <== Make sure you're in binary mode # dir <== See what's in here # get README <== Look this over # get ALLFILES.tar <== (see below) # bye The file that gets pulled down is a tar collection of all of the *.ps.Z files which make up the manual. Just un-tar it, then uncompress and print them out as you see fit. Happy proofreading, and thanks! ============================================================================ concepts@tower.com Tower Concepts, Inc. 103 Sylvan Way Razor... New Hartford, NY 13413 A Problem Tracking System Voice: (315) 724-3540 with Integrated Configuration Management FAX: " " -3129 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------